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제목[LAN SmartPDU(4구)] PowerBox 4KF Wifi2024-02-13 13:32
작성자 Level 10
첨부파일NETIO-PowerBOX-4KF-schuko-WiFi-LAN-power-strip-remote-controlled-with-metering_for_web_nametag.png (1.42MB)

[LAN SmartPDU(4구)] PowerBox 4KF WiFi
<< 4구 PDU (원격 On/Off, 소비전력.전류.전압 감시) >>

PowerBOX 4KF is a LAN-enabled smart power strip with 4 outputs.
Each output socket can be switched on or off individually over the web interface.
- Outlet : 4 x DE (Schuko) (max 16A) (Metered & Switched x 4)
- LAN (RJ45): Yes / WiFi: Yes / Web: Built-in web server
- Watchdog : Ping + Power
- Open API (M2M protocols)
> JSON over HTTP / MQTT-flex / HTTP Push JSON / HTTP Push XML
> SNMP v1 / SNMP v3 / ModbusTCP / XML over HTTP
> URL API (http get) / Telnet

4KF 4KF WIFI 차이점.jpg


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